

If you are interested in starting this program at your school or organization, contact us and we will find the right specialist for you.

The focus of this program is to examine and understand the ideas behind the most popular philosophies embraced throughout the world. To do this, students examine ethical situations through the lens of competing philosophies and engage in a Socratic style debate. Students are presented with an ethical question and they must identify stakeholders and players within the dilemma, discuss the key moral issues and present opposing viewpoints. This course was modeled after the National High School Ethics Bowl competition and students who participate are encouraged to compete in the middle and high school ethics bowl tournaments.

In this course, students will learn to:

  • Think critically

  • Ask relevant, calibrated questions

  • Listen actively

  • Clarify and disagree in a manner that moves the dialogue forward

  • Share ideas, suggest alternative perspectives and engage in a collaborative manner

  • Take the initiative

  • Present persuasively

  • Analyze a situation from opposing perspectives

  • Empathize

  • Create and defend a position (helpful with essay writing)

  • Brainstorm, compare and contrast various solutions based on mutual benefit

  • Understand how thought and Philosophy has evolved throughout the ages

  • Be objective and transparent in analysis

  • How to apply logos, pathos and ethos in written and oral presentations.