If you are interested in starting this program at your school or organization, contact us and we will find the right specialist for you.
This program is a unique leadership course that gives students the skills they need to succeed in life. Specialists offer an activity-based syllabus centered around character traits most sought and admired in leaders: initiative, honesty, self-control, adaptability, empathy, persuasiveness, resourcefulness, diligence, tolerance, determination, generosity, punctuality, courage, reliability, endurance, deference, creativity and integrity.
This program uses fun projects and games that encourage the exploration and application of leadership traits. While cultivating the skills they will need to build strong, successful relationships; they will learn how to find their voice and showcase themselves and their work in the best way. Students will learn to be better team leaders and team players. They will learn how to deal with situations they encounter in life, such as bullying, cheating, conflicts between two or more parties, and more. These building blocks will ensure they grow to become the leaders so sought after by our burgeoning society.
Skills covered in this course
A recent study by Chapman University found that one of the top five fears held by most people is speaking to and in front of other people. Whether you are addressing a group, fielding cold calls, introducing a client, or navigating a critical interview, sharper presentation skills will always come in handy. Knowing how to deliver an impromptu speech is not only essential for meetings, pitches, and networking events, it is vital to the development of oral and communication skills. Knowing how to present oneself is imperative to every career path and essential for a healthy social life. This class will focus on developing and strengthening these presentation skills.
Communication is a necessity in everyday life and an integral part of building and keeping business relationships healthy. It is also imperative for networking. This class is designed to teach children how to strengthen and employ active listening skills, how to frame and reframe arguments, how to speak persuasively and overcome their uneasiness about communicating with others. Students will learn how to communicate effectively on an individual level, within a team, and to a group.
Negotiation is a large part of business, finance, law, politics, and any major career decision-but we negotiate in quotidian situations as well. Knowing how to navigate negotiation is an essential life skill that only grows stronger with practice. This class utilizes role play scenarios to lead students through distributive and integrative negotiation. Students will experiment with individual and multi-party negotiation.
Delegation skills are essential for demonstrating one's ability to work at a higher level. For some, responsibility brings anxiety. Most people fear that they will fail, that others will fail or that others will resent them for their position. Some are naturally introverted and loathe being put on the spot. There is a method of delegation for every temperament, and a way of delegating that can lead to a stable, efficient team and influential competent leaders. This class provides projects and scenarios that will encourage children to find comfort and excitement in delegating.
Learning how to adapt is crucial in day to day life. Learning to adjust to a new school, a new state, a new country, a new culture, or a new business is never comfortable, but there are many ways to prepare. Today leaders are constantly adapting moment to moment and looking ahead to prepare to adapt to the changing market. Knowing how to adapt to others, a situation or place is a valuable skill to any employer, partner, or team. This class will focus on developing and strengthening a students ability to adapt.
dispute resolution
In a recent study of more than 2000 businesses in Washington, employers said that workers in a variety of professions lacked in several areas, including conflict resolution and critical observation. Part of becoming a responsible member of society and preparing to succeed in our globally interdependent market is learning how to compromise, empathize, build rapport, and adapt. This class provides scenarios, projects, and activities that promote conflict resolution strategies and problem-solving skills. The second part of this class covers third party mediation.
Time and again, employers have listed 'initiative' as one of the most valued skills that an employee could have. The ability to show initiative is what sets a 'star employee' apart from others. Initiative is crucial to achieving any promotion. Many employers have also said that initiative is a 'rare jewel' in today's job market. Initiative, like any other skill, is cultivated and developed over time and must be practiced. This class will focus on activities, scenarios, and games that are designed to promote the enjoyment and practice of taking the initiative.
Critical Thinking
The ability to reason and think critically is cultivated early and nourished over time. The top schools in the country employ an inquiry-based method and a design-based learning approach to promote innovation, collaborative teamwork, and critical thinking. In our rapidly changing global market, it is more important than ever to develop these skills. This class will employ an inquiry-based approach to train students to apply their reason and work collaboratively.
Preparation and Time Management
Time management is a skill needed at all ages. It begins with parents, but as time goes on, it becomes more and more complicated with the introduction of new friends, sports, homework, and other extracurricular activities. Building good time management skills are essential for a successful academic and business career, but it is also necessary for an organized and fulfilling lifestyle. This class will focus on scheduling, time on task, planning, and proper preparation for numerous tasks that students currently encounter or will encounter.
Organization and Goal development
From simple filing to the creation and development of a small business, organization skills are needed at every level. Organizing one's possessions leads to effective, clean work just as organizing one's thoughts leads to a clear, concise presentation of one's ideas and opinions. This class will cover the importance of structure and organization. Students will also learn to create and complete schedules and checklists and how to prioritize and categorize.
Empathy-What it means and why it is important.
Empathy, or emotional intelligence, means the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. Empathy is about being able to understand the position of another person, and in some cases, being adaptable enough to find a solution. In life, the relationships we value most-whether they are social or work-related- are based on simple things. One of those things is empathy. This class will focus on defining empathy, the importance of respecting cultural differences, and the value of working within a diverse, inclusive network.